lunedì 16 settembre 2013

Take it or Leave it

In today's report: the nail art, the colored and funny Instax di Fujifilm, The Carrie Diaries new series on Sky Italy and more.

1. The (f*****g) Nail Art. Leave it - no doubt!
You should say "no" to any drawing on yours nails.

2. Football Racism. Leave it

3. Shh tattoo. Leave it
Il fatto che Rihanna sia una gnocca è fuori dubbio, però se dobbiamo dirla tutta quanto a gusto lascia un po' a desiderare. Tra abiti, trucco e strane scelte stilistiche, le ha tutte lei. Le mancava solo questo. Abolito!

4. Fujifilm Instax. Take it
Small, functional and extra design, for instant photos of your life.

5. The Carry diaries. Leave it
Absolutely, I love "Sex & the city", but the new series "The Carrie Diaries" has not that kind of touch. Except the wonderful hamster's name: Morrissey!

What of these things do you take? And what do you leave? 


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